What We Believe


What We Believe -

We trust Him to finish the work He started by “resting” in His completed redemptive power made available to us by the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Martha’s Mantras

“I perform for no man. I perform for no woman. I live for the audience of One.“

“I will not be anything less than what I’m called to BE to make others more comfortable. nor will I do anything more than what I am called to DO to leave others more pleased.”

“I will uphold boundaries, maintain my integrity, and continue make generous assumptions about myself and others.”

“All the world is not a stage. Fake it till you make it is not a kingdom strategy.”

“We pray behind women’s backs.“

“Our desire is to be so fat with the anointing that there is no  room to step on each other's toes.“

“We aren’t hostess with the mostest. We are hosts of the most High God!”

“We are building the house of Martha, because it’s where Jesus loved to spend his time.”

We live for an audience of ONE

We live for an audience of ONE

“REDEEMING MARTHA is a gathering of women committed to breaking off “expired narratives” and resting in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ!”